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How and when do I harness train my new baby pig?

We recommend purchasing either a Figure 8 or an H-style harness. Never use collars as these are unsafe for the piglet's neck. Initially, place the harness near the pig's food bowl and let him sniff it for awhile, then put it on the piglet for an hour or so and the next day keep it on and begin to walk with him/her. We let the pigs walk us the first day. which helps them adjust to it. Next day, we call the pig using their name, i.e.  "Jemmy!". When our pigs come to us we scratch their back and side "good piggie!". Pigs know when they do something good and like to make you happy. Soon, they will be walking along with you!

How long do pigs usually live?

A healthy, well-care for pig will live an average of 12 to 18 years of age.

Do pigs get along with other animals?

Our piglets easily get along with other animals because they are raised with cats, dogs and all types of farm animals. Being raised with other animals is the key to ensure they get along with your own cats, dogs, etc. The pig is an animal of prey, dogs are predators. Dogs will attack other species of animals, including their own, as a part of their natural instinct. Pigs, as prey animals, are non-aggressive by nature. Their first instinct is to run rather than attack. Part of the reason they squeal when picked up and held in the air is because their ability to run has been taken away. But, the more you hold them, the more they trust and the squealing decreases.

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