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Care of your New Piggy


Pigs need access to water at all times. They do not have the ability to sweat, so water is important to them. Some pigs drink a lot of water daily, some very little. Each pig is different regarding water intake. We use stainless steel




Pigs just LOVE to have their own bed and blankets! They need to have a spot they can call their own - it adds to their stability and they love to hide under blankets, snuggle in them, sleep on them. They will frequently drag their blankets around the house with them. They are a source of comfort. Old blankets are just fine - they are not fussy! It is fun to start them out in a puppy pen/fenced area OR pack n play (either of these items may be purchased used from Craigslist) and when they get older and have the run of the home.  

Piggies LOVE their blankets and the more they have, the more they love it!  A mini pig rooting blanket is the perfect "toy" and soft friend for your pig since it provides the insulating warmth from the heavy duty and smooth fleece while also enduring your pig's strong snout as they root away.



We suggest using dog litter boxes since they have a low opening in the front OR use Under the Bed sweater boxes and cut down one side as needed for easy entry! Long, low under-the-bed sweater boxes work nicely if one is cut down for easy entry. Pigs don't like climbing over the edge of a traditional cat litter box. We recommend equine pellets or you can use pine shavings or recycled newspaper for the litter. 



Yes, some little piggies really enjoy watching TV while they are camped out on your lap or snuggled into bed with you! They might even develop an enjoyment for certain TV shows. Some owners put music on or keep the TV on for those times when the owners are not home.



We do not live in a hogging area so there is little to no risk that our pigs would develop a pig disease. If you live in a hogging area or your vet is aware of some pig disease in the area where you live, then I would recommend giving your piggie the shots that are deemed necessary or are precautionary for your geographic location. Check in with your vet soon after you arrive home with your new piggy to determine vaccination policy in your area.


Spay & Neuter

An unaltered male will grow large tusks, become aggressive, and exhibit a foul odor. Females who are not spayed have a monthly menstrual cycle and may develop PMS-type symptoms (grouchy, "leave me alone" etc). Also, spayed/neutered females have a lower chance of developing mammary tumors and ovarian cancer as they age. Neutered/spayed piggies make wonderful pets!!


Hoof Care

Those little hooves on these tiny pigs will need some attention - maybe some filing or a little clip 2-3 times per year. Harness training piglets and walking them on sidewalks so there is not a need to trim the hooves very often.  Not taking care of your babies feet can result in stiff and/or deformed joints. Touch/handle the hooves of piglets from a young age so you can easily file or clip their piggies hooves. Please make sure you touch/handle the hooves every day!



We feed our mini pigs the pellets that are made JUST for pigs. These pellets are made with the correct amount of protein, 12% or 14%, with very little fat content. This Mini Pig Chow is made by several different companies and is available at local farm supply or feed stores. If you are not able to find this specially formulated mini pig food at a local feed store or pet store, please consider asking your Vet if their office could order it for you. Mini pigs have HUGE appetites and can easily become obese. The key to maintaining a healthy weight is to limit snacks, establish a feeding routine, and ensure your little piggy gets plenty of exercise. We use Purina Pig & Sow (Green bag). Potbellied pigs are omnivores, so their natural dietary intake in the wild would include berries, worms, raw eggs, roots, veggies, nuts, seeds, insects, and other little critters. It would be difficult to imitate this diet for your pig, but you can feed your pig a variety of healthy veggies along with the pellets.  We feed our pigs twice a day (9 am and 6 pm) and add veggies to the  food pellets. Your pig’s diet may contain veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower (limit amount due to bloating and gas), green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, edamame, bell peppers and zucchini. It is best to introduce new veggies slowly.



When you pick up your little piggy, we send a blanket, new piggie parent info piglet, birth certificate and my cell number you can text at any time with questions or concerns about your new piggy! We offer lifetime support and are always willing to chat about pigs! 




We worm our piggies every 6 months  We worm with either Safeguard goat dewormer, dectomax or Ivomec.

Ivomec or dectomax is the best choice, it provides coverage for worms and also kills mites. 

All piggies leave the farm with at least one dose of wormer, they will most times need a follow up with a vet for their 2nd shot.


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